Going Back to Our Roots

Glee Club Travel

Bonjour! I’m Michael Moss, a rising junior from Shoreview, MN studying Political Science and Philosophy. Besides singing in the Glee Club, I spend most of my time trying to teach God Quad’s squirrels how to paint. It’s my pleasure to tell you about our brief stay in Le Mans, France. …

Glee ClubGoing Back to Our Roots

Notre Dame Across the World

Glee Club Newsletter, Travel

After a year of serving as both Tour Manager and Vice President of Glee Club, nothing could have felt better after graduation than a long, relaxing trip through Europe, singing with my brothers in song. We had an incredible assortment of experiences, many of which you’ve already read about, but …

Glee ClubNotre Dame Across the World

The Spain Experience

Glee Club Travel

By the end of my sophomore year, I had begun to feel like I had figured out the entire Glee Club experience. I had hundreds of rehearsals, four tours, dozens of concerts, and scores of smaller performances under my belt, as well as a bevy of dinners, hay rides, beach …

Glee ClubThe Spain Experience