Year’s Last Revue Experience: Through the Eyes of a First Year

Glee Club Music

Hello, fans of the Notre Dame Glee Club! Web editor and Glee Club sophomore Pierce here, excited to bring to you the long-awaited second revue review through the eyes of a first year! Ben Rohr gave us his input on his very first performance in front of the library before our first home game, and today we see how he has grown throughout football season and if anything has changed for him now that football season is officially over. Onto our friendly Tenor 2 rookie, Ben Rohr:

Hello everyone, Ben Rohr here, a little less than three months later. My final revue experience was a whirlwind of emotion and joy. I must admit revues just get more and more fun as you move along. The feeling of standing amongst your brothers in song doesn’t change, but any feeling of nervousness dissipates as the songs you sing are now playing in your head at all times of every day after your 48th run of each. These songs now seem akin to the ABCs in familiarity. This allowed me to just stand in front of a pumped-up audience, and feel pure bliss as I belted the songs out. It was also awesome to run the entire cavalcade of fight songs from the season. This was another task that seemed daunting entering the season, but it quickly became a fun new surprise to find out what each school’s unique song was like. This feeling was all accentuated by being draped in my newly acquired Glee Club jacket. This comforting, stylish force of fashion really made me feel like a true clubber as I stood, perfectly matching with my fellow members. The scenery of the revue didn’t change, and it allowed me to still swell with the same feeling of Notre Dame pride as Touchdown Jesus looked on from above. The only part of this experience that I did not entirely enjoy was when I looked around and realized that this was the final revue for this class of seniors. Listening to John French give his ultimate, rousing pep talk put everything in perspective. We are so incredibly lucky, as a club, to have this opportunity every gameday to present our talents and unity to the world. I will miss all of these seniors so much, and it is truly devastating to think that I will be doing this tradition without them this time next year. I am so grateful for my revue experiences, and I can not wait to see what next year holds.  

Glee ClubYear’s Last Revue Experience: Through the Eyes of a First Year