President’s Message

Glee Club Newsletter

Alumni, family, and friends of the Notre Dame Glee Club—

What an exciting time to be a part of the Glee Club. Between the incredible support we received on Notre Dame Day this past April, our amazing Tour of Europe in May and June, and the upcoming Centennial Reunion in October, it’s easy to see why the 2015-16 Academic Year will be a special one for us. Behind the scenes, though, are 49 reasons for excitement that aren’t noticed as often: our returning members. So as we prepare to begin what’s sure to be an unforgettable year, let’s thank a few of these members for the work they’ve put in this summer that’s put us in such a positive position going forward.


Joseph Ong (Tenor I, ’16, Centennial Reunion Commissioner)—A task as momentous as planning Reunion takes a lot of manpower. At any given moment, there are dozens of loose ends being tied up just as new projects are beginning. To put it lightly, it’s a lot to keep track of. Joseph has done a fantastic job of doing just that—keeping track of things. Despite spending his spring semester and much of the summer in Singapore, Joseph has done an outstanding job of keeping track of early registrations and making sure nothing is lost in the near-constant flurry of emails.


The Publicity Team: Soren Kyhl (Tenor I, ’18, Publicity Manager), Gregory Corning (Bass, ’18, Assistant Publicity Manager), & John Linczer (Baritone, ’18, Assistant Publicity Manager)—These three rising sophomores have worked tirelessly this summer, building upon the work of recent graduate Joseph Copp to expand Glee Club’s publicity footprint in a modern way, incorporating Instagram and the brand new website (and it’s accompanying blog) while revising our approach to Facebook and Twitter. Soren has been a workhorse, while displaying amazing flexibility in the face of constant revisions, requests, and missed deadlines. Gregory and John stepped up in big ways throughout the summer as well, making themselves available on short notice and being willing to produce in unfamiliar realms.


Matt Williams (Bass, ’18, Service Commissioner)—As the Glee Club looks to build our presence in the community, we’re very lucky to have Matt heading up our Service efforts. Matt’s been enthusiastic and available throughout the summer as we seek out new ways to volunteer our voices, minds, and bodies in the South Bend area.


There are many others making big contributions behind the scenes, and we’re glad that we’ll be able to share more of what they do through the blog as we start classes and rehearsals shortly. Thanks for your continued support of the Glee Club. We can’t wait to see you in October.

Stuart Streit

Bass, ‘16

President, Notre Dame Glee Club

Glee ClubPresident’s Message